Therapy is offered in many modalities, including individual, couples and family. Regular sessions are scheduled to discuss issues, feelings, conflicts, relations, and anything that is a barrier to better functioning or greater happiness. Successful therapy results is based on information provided by the client and willingness and follow through with interventions. Interventions will be based on readiness for change and client comfort level. Successful therapy results in improved mood, functioning, self esteem, healthy coping skills, and insight
Assessments are tests for evaluating the best course of treatment or need for treatment. Mental Status Exams are done to evaluate a clients overall mental health. A General Assessment of Functioning (GAF) is used to assess clients functioning. Psychosocial Assessments are done to get information about the clients background as context for the presenting problem. There are assessments for substance abuse, suicidal ideation, mood disorders, thought disorders, personality disorders, readiness to change, trauma, social functioning, and activities of daily living (ADL) and many others.
Interventions are strategies for changing dysfunctional behaviors that lead to emotional distress and decreased functioning. Interventions can be as simple as talking and can become increasingly complex. They can include role playing; journaling, exposure therapy, confrontations, bibliotherapy, hypnosis, rituals, meditation, mindfulness, dream interpretation, coping skills, or stress management techniques. In more serious cases, medications, residential treatment or even hospitalization may be needed as a higher level of care.
Referrals are made if the present treatment is inadequate. This can include referrals to different therapists who specialize in particular problems. Sometimes symptoms become so intense, clients may be evaluated by psychiatrists for psychopharmacology. Referrals can be made for community support groups to maintain progress made in individual sessions.
Psychoeducation is provided to help the client understand many aspects of mental health. This can include self awareness, triggers for negative emotions, coping skills for distressing events, and healthy pleasures for addictions. It can also include technical information about diagnosis and medications. Information on how diet, stress management, spirituality, exercise, humor, and support can enhance your mental health. Clients are always cautioned against self-diagnosis or self-medicating.